Theory Building in Management: A Review
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Published: 6 May 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Theory building is important for advancing management knowledge. But the task is full of challenges. There is an ample number of literature that offers many theorizing tools but lack a coherent understanding of how these tools fit together when we use a particular tool and which integration of tools can be used in the process of theorizing. In this paper, a systematic review of the literature on theory building in management has been done by using five key parameters such as: conflict, character, setting, sequence, and plot and arc. In doing so, I have provided a richer understanding of how specific theorizing tools facilitate aspects of the theorizing process and present a clearer portrait of the process of building significant theories. I also offer pragmatic empirical theorizing as an approach that uses quantitative empirical findings to stimulate theorizing.
Keywords: Innovation; grounded theory; conflict; entrepreneurship theory.

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How to Cite
Md. Awal Hossain Mollah. (2019-05-06). "Theory Building in Management: A Review." *Volume 1*, 2, 18-35